Base building penalty?

ForumsHelp & Strategy › Base building penalty?
  • ⭐Cadia⭐

    How long does a base have to exist before you can tear it down without getting the base building penalty?

  • Courier Six

    I think you take the penalty regardless of when you tear it down.

  • ⭐Cadia⭐

    I've torn some down with no penalty, but others I can't without getting the penalty.

  • AmishMidget

    The help says at least 24hrs before you can tear a base down but I've had some for almost a week I want to tear down and they are still showing a penalty. Anybody know if there is an exact limit?

  • Trekker

    I got penaltys for bases up to 7 days old.

  • AmishMidget

    Yeah I just hit day eight and I can tear down without a penalty

  • Trekker

    Support confirms 7 days. Help file is corrected.

  • The Saw

    Is there actually a "penalty" for the penalty? Other than the number beside base building?


    I'm wondering the same thing. Is there actually a negative effect from your base building skill decreasing


    The lower your base building skill, the smaller your max build radio us is.


    Radius, damn spell check


    This penalty needs to be eliminated, it is impossible to hop great distances without Warehouses and Vehicle Depots. To hop 10 miles you would lose 100 base building points. Without buying 10 more bases. If your trying to hop 500 miles this game makes it impossible!

  • Hydra

    You don't lose 100, you just don't gain it. You get 10 points for placing a base, then you lose that 10 if you delete it before a week. You'll never lose points. The penalty is fine

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