A.I.M is recruiting

ForumsSyndicate Recruiting › A.I.M is recruiting
  • turkmistro

    Intro: aim is a less than simple group with the goal of ultimate knowledge now you may be thinking "well that's good and all but we don't even know what that stands for let alone care" well pal it's advanced idea mechanics and you will after I turn you into a rat and sell you to a pet store... where you die of loneliness. Now for those interested at signing up and doing things you could only dream of with the power of science that's grasped firmly in our hands feel free we welcome all p.s. those who join up get one of our trademark lab coats.

  • bitch-slapperrr

    Let me join

  • ChiknArise

    I'm glad their is a group that thinks like me. I want to join

  • ChiknArise

    Invite me

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