For sleeps sake - laundry spit version2

ForumsGeneral Discussion › For sleeps sake - laundry spit version2

    For sleeps sake
    He spits while not awake
    On his pillow a keepsake
    Dripped a jewel to take
    Straight to laundry basket
    Resting place like the casket
    Anywho another task set
    Add soap and bask wet
    Got a question time to ask it
    Maybe blew his nose gasket
    His job feel jurassic
    Dilophosaurus spitter for hire
    Half hour later prevent a pyre
    Remove lint so no fire
    You guessed it sire
    we moved it to the dryer
    Make it spin like a tire
    Then fold all attire
    Golf em closer to where they retire
    tomorrow they can wear it like a wire


    Stay tuned pretty soon he’ll drop a mixtape dishwashing monsoon.
    Big goon, leave battle rappers swept by a broom at the saloon, high noon.
    Perhaps a bride and groom tune,
    romantic full moon spoon.
    Askin theres any extra room in their cocoon.
    Nope he marooned metamorphosis into a baboon.
    On his album cover lookin loon with a hat raccoon.
    Voice soundin like a vacuum, vroom.
    Add some sound effects, boom, behold real life rapper cartoon
    Career balloon blowin like hot air fume
    No helium boon just sinks he stinks like perfume.

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