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  • 🌟 ℕᎾℛᏆℋ💫ЅᏆᎯℛ 🌟

    Advertise this game on turf wars, and advertise turf wars on this game. I would NOT make it a pop-up add because that would make players mad and unlikely to try the game (maby that's just how I feel). The type of advertisement I suggest is a short 30 second add that gives you tiberium/don pts for watching, AND an offer that gives you more tiberium/don pts if you download and play the other game.
    In effect, more players will be playing both games resulting in (more money spent on the games) but more importantly more players will make the games more lively and fun for all.

  • [dday]

    I'm not on Turf Wars at the moment, but if the atmosphere in TW is similar to the one here in GS then both games will be getting enough coverage in the other to the extent that developing and inserting an ad into the game for it would prove somewhat redundant.

  • Hydra

    👆👆meaning that turf wars is already mentioned so often in here that if you are not aware of it, there is something wrong with you :p

  • 🌟 ℕᎾℛᏆℋ💫ЅᏆᎯℛ 🌟

    Hydra wrote:

    👆👆meaning that turf wars is already mentioned so often in here that if you are not aware of it, there is something wrong with you :p

    True it's mentioned, but what about offering a reward on this game for players that download and play TW and visa versa. Not just have people know its out there, but offer a slight reward for playing the other. It's completely free to so might as well.

  • [dday]

    Qweeter1997 wrote:

    Hydra wrote:

    👆👆meaning that turf wars is already mentioned so often in here that if you are not aware of it, there is something wrong with you :p

    True it's mentioned, but what about offering a reward on this game for players that download and play TW and visa versa. Not just have people know its out there, but offer a slight reward for playing the other. It's completely free to so might as well.

    Perhaps... I know if that was to be the case then I would probably begin playing Turf Wars. It might work.

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