Change base names

ForumsSuggestions › Change base names
  • Beezbo

    I've been taking bases from a guy who was using a Nazi reference as base names. You should be able to change a base name once or use some currency to do so.

  • V҉A҉N҉🍁

    Try to tear it down...

  • Beezbo

    I can definitely tear it down, but then I lose the value of taking the base in the first place. Wouldn't hurt anything to allow one name change per base name, I imagine.

  • шΞΛᔖΞĿ

    You should talk to Jesus. Anything is possible with him. Afterall, he is in your syndicate.

  • V҉A҉N҉🍁

    ⚔шΞΛᔖΞĿ⚔ wrote:

    You should talk to Jesus. Anything is possible with him. Afterall, he is in your syndicate.

    ☝🏻☝🏻 hahahaha

  • Beezbo

    He's got his own agenda. Walking on water, healing lepers, stuff like that.

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